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Welcome back!

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Our first rehearsal back after our inaugural concert.

Teen and adult orchestra in Swansea for beginner and intermediate learners

After the outstanding success of our inaugural concert last month, we restarted our rehearsals today with everyone very keen to play together again. it was great to catch up, reflect on the concert and see everyone, although unfortunately Jacob Smith will no longer be conducting for us.

Over the next few months, we will be working on the BBC's 40 pieces, an ambitious initiative which aims to open up the world of classical music to a generation of children and adults. For now, we will be focusing on Doctor Who Theme , Symphony No.9 in E minor, 'From the New World' - Largo by Dvořák, i.e. the Hovis Theme, The Hungarian Dance by Brahms, and Habanera and the fiendish Toreador from Carmen Suite No.2 by Bizet.

Through these pieces, we look forward to learning about new and exciting features of classical music. We hope to perform a selection of these pieces in our next concert in October 2022 (more info soon!).

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